Health Tips

Sunday, April 20, 2014


How to Get Rid Of Tan

How to Get Rid Of Tan

During summer season people suffer a lot from tan. Sun contains harmful UV rays which would harm the skin and makes it darker. It is not easy to remove the tan and it would take time but read the tips below to speed up the process.

Exfoliating is a great way to remove all the dead cells from the skin, it removes all the tan from the upper layers of skin and reveals the underneath skin. Make sure you don’t scrub or exfoliate harder as it would make your skin worse. Make sure you exfoliate everyday while taking shower, rubbing in circular motion on the affected areas. Make a paste of gram flour with milk/water and apply it on the tanned skin and massage it. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. You get a natural glow.

Go herbal
Try some herbal packs which are available in the shops. Buy a cucumber pack and add some milk to get a paste. Apply this paste on to the tanned areas and leave it for 20 mins. Rinse it off with water after it dries. Use this remedy once in a week and during summer season as it makes your skin cool.

Apply sunscreen
Generously apply a sunscreen with a Spf of no less than 30 everywhere throughout the form, 30 minutes prior to sun exposure.
For face you can opt for a sunscreen higher than 30 spf. Buy a sunscreen which has the expression “non-comedogenic” this implies that it won’t clog your pores.suntan
Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera gel is a superb solution for dealing with dim tans. It will lighten the skin if applied regularly. Notwithstanding, aloe has the property of making your skin photosynthetic and can obscure it assuming that you go out in the sun without sunscreen cream. So don’t forget to apply sunscreen lotion before you go out.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice is a skin lightener. It contains citric acid which helps in removing both natural and fake tans. Squeeze two or three lemons in warm water and apply it to the tanned areas and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off.

This remedy would make your skin dry so make sure to apply moisturizer after this.
You can also apply undiluted lemon juice directly to tanned areas like elbows and knees and rinse it off after 15 mins.

Drink plenty of water
This is the natural way of removing tan by itself. Water helps you to be hydrated and allows the skin to revive itself. These methodologies will help a dark tan to fade away all the more rapidly. Hydrate your skin internally by drinking lots of water and also have lots of fruits and vegetables. Water also flushes all the toxins from your body.

Resource :

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


9 Health Benefits of Coconut Water

9 Health Benefits of Coconut Water
Coconut Water
  1. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine. Coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is beneficial to treat dehydration, as well as to combat interference in the stomach worm small children.
  2. If the young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. The mixture of coconut water have properties to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation , and gastrointestinal.
  3. Coconut water also has a variety of medicinal properties. Among other things, drinking coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effects of sulfa drugs and other antibiotics, making drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.
  4. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, dark spots, wrinkles on the face that came early, dry skin, and the face became visible glow.
  5. Mix coconut water with a little honey. This herb is a tonic that is cheap but nutritious. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and negate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.
  6. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water , then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir all ingredients until smooth, then stored again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain this medicine with three layers of gauze. Save the juice was in the bottle, and apply on your face twice a day until the acne disappears.
  7. Coconut water is also efficacious as a medicine injuries, broken foot, and eczema. Making potions is relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice is milled into a fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body.
  8. If coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a drug.
  9. Burns and negates the burning sensation in the feet and hands.
Sumber :

Friday, January 3, 2014


5 Health Benefits Of Potatoes

1. Potato maintain digestive health is a diet rich in fiber and can be equated with bread wheat. With such a high fiber content is Kantang useful for maintaining digestive health, and potatoes are also commonly used to change their eating rice for those who diet.

2. Curing Stress Potatoes contain vitamin B6 which is very beneficial for stress relief that comes from the fruit of the mind. Potatoes can make adrenal hormones that can respond to stress, and eventually make the body become more relaxed and gives the feeling that calms the mind and body. This is the benefit of potatoes to banish stress.

5 Health Benefits Of Potatoes

3. Reducing Cholesterol Levels Potatoes do not contain a lot of calories as well as rice . Even potatoes can give full effect in the stomach with a longer term so that you do not easily hungry. In addition, potatoes can help you to reduce cholesterol levels.

4. Not only to beautify the skin in the body, the benefits of potatoes also can be used to whiten skin. This shows not only beneficial potatoes for medicinal purposes. The content of potassium, and vitamin C in potatoes is suitable for skin care, such as oily and acne prone. For oily skin, apply grated potato on the face until blended, leave for half an hour. Clean with clean cold water. For acne sufferers, thinly sliced ​​potatoes, stick to the entire face. Let the potatoes until it becomes dry and gray colored.

5. Good for people with kidney stones Potatoes are rich in magnesium which can resist the accumulation or deposition of calcium in the kidneys and other tissues so that the potatoes proved to be very useful for treating kidney stones. The doctors also suggested to the kidney stone patients to involve their potatoes at every meal.Now that he benefits of potatoes for human health. May be useful.

source : 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


How to whiten your skin naturally?

How to whiten your skin naturally? - To whiten the skin there are a lot of way ranging from how to whiten skin naturally whiten skin, or take medications that are usually sold at a high price but take it easy this time I give tips whiten skin naturally and without drugs so it is very safe for the skin to stay healthy please Skin Whitening Tips refer :

How to whiten your skin naturally?MILK
The milk can be used for showering , bathing milk itself is already well-known and potent since ancient times , the queen Cleopatra was also wearing milk to preserve the beauty and health of skin. If the milk bath is too complicated for you , you can still wear other way is to pour some milk on a cloth washers face kemuadian use the cloth to gently rub the face. The way to eliminate dead skin cells covering the face is also beneficial to get a face that looks bright . 

Of egg white useful as a skin fasteners, as well as a lemon that supposedly believed to brighten the skin. It is also very easy you just take a few drops of lemon juice and then mix the water with the egg whites and stir until the two ingredients are mixed and used as a mask. Wait a few until the mask is dry, then wipe your face and rinse with cold water. To get the most done in this way on a regular basis. 
 Yoghurt useful as a material to keep moisture from the skin. The way you can just use yoghurt for facial mask and then added with a little honey , then let stand for about 10min and rinse your face thoroughly. 
 Tomatoes have a lot of vitamin C is beneficial and good for your skin health Tomatoes also can make the skin look white. The trick is to take a tomato and then grated, then add 2 to 3 drops of water from a squeeze of lemon and a few drops of rose water, mix the three ingredients until blended concoction was then apply to the face and neck, then wait approximately 15 minutes and then rinse clean up. 
Avocado oil can be used as an alternative material if you're too lazy to clean your face before bed . Useful avocado oil can effectively eliminate existing leftover residual makeup on the face, after that you can use as an absorbent tissue if there is still excess oils and left on the face.Well that was some way to whiten skin naturally that you can practice at home which is very cheap and effective so you do not need to spend a lot of money to get white and healthy skin

source :

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


How Healthy And Natural Diet?

How Healthy And Natural Diet? - Having the ideal and healthy body is a dream every person. Lead to weight gain and obesity is an issue experienced by some people. The presence of fat in some parts of the body such as abdomen, thighs, and arms can make some people less confident in terms of appearance. But to get into shape and be healthy not by way of diet carelessly. Many of them also perform a variety of ways diet, but most of their diet wrong way and just torturing their bodies. This time contained Blog will share tips healthy diet for you all.

1. Reduce excessive intake of CarbohydratesCarbohydrates actually one of the substances needed by our body. But by consuming food containing excessive carbohydrates will make the fat in our bodies accumulate and cause obesity. Foods containing carbohydrates eg rice, bread, potatoes, etc. For that you need to limit these foods to consume.
2. Eat with moderationLike the Prophet said "Stop eating before satiety", because when we make a glut accumulate fat in our body. Reduce consumption of snacks that are less beneficial to our bodies.
3. Vegetable consumptionMixed vegetables contain many substances that our body needs. Our bodies need a lot of substances contained in these vegetables. Expand food green vegetables that contain a variety of substances that are beneficial to our bodies.
4. Consumption of FruitsFruits with a variety of types and colors also contain some substances that our body needs. One of these vitamins. Then eat fruits Healthy Diet Tips to maximize this.
5. Drink water WhiteI mentioned in some previous articles on Overcoming Dull Dry Skin, Acne Naturally Eliminate and Decrease Stomach that this water has a lot of benefits . Water can neutralize toxins and get rid of toxins in our body. Then multiply drinking water every day.
6. Regularly SportsSport is often forgotten by most people, for some reason the daily grind they are not taking the time to exercise. Just to jog every morning can also be beneficial to your body. Simply take about 10-15 minutes each morning to exercise.

source :

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


How To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily Broken

How To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily BrokenHow To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily Broken - This article I will share information about how to care for your nails so pretty fragile and not easy, because most types of nails, many more who have brittle nails that break easily and fast. Want nails always look beautiful and attractive? Let's see more in the following manner nails.

GarlicIf the friend has a kind of brittle nails, preferably friends can try to lubricate the nails friend with garlic, then wipe it with a warm towel. Garlic can be useful to make your nails stronger and not easily broken.
Olive OilKutila want to have a healthy, soft and bright, with a friend can try Vitamin E liquid mixing in 1 teaspoon olive oil. Then apply on the nails companions. Should do it regularly to get beautiful and healthy nails naturally.
LemonLemon juice is very beneficial to make nails become dull and unhealthy. The trick is also very easy, simply by soaking the nails in warm water mixed with lemon juice for a few minutes. After that, dry the nails by using a towel or handkerchief. You should do on a regular basis in order to nail friend become more healthy and shiny.
LemonIf friends have a problem with yellow nails, preferably friends can try to use a lemon to overcome. You do this by mixing 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to toothpaste, mix well and apply on nails companions. Let stand for a few minutes to dry, then rinse with warm water. You should do it once a week until the nail color and bright back to normal.
StarfruitStarfruit can be useful to clean the dirt on the sidelines of the nail and can make your nails strong and not easily broken. You do this simply by rubbing the nails starfruit want to clean , then rinse with clean water. Do it for 1 week 2 times to get a clean and strong nails.
That's some way that gorgeous nails and not easily broken, hopefully this article can help in treating nail friend. Say goodbye to brittle nails :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Benefits of Red Guava

Fruit which has the Latin name Psidium guajava is a tropical plant that is widely spread, especially in Asia, spread to Indonesia via Thailand. Guava has a green fruit with white flesh or red and sour - sweet. This time we will uncover any benefits contained in red guava.
Benefits of Red Guava
Red Guava
Including red guava fruit is one of the favorites for many people, but among them is sometimes not so aware of the usefulness so many people who are less interested in the red guava, but keep in mind also that many of the beneficial nutrients in this fruit for our lives, so ... for those who does not like this fruit very loss loh hehehe, because this fruit contains vitamins C, A, B complex, fiber and many other minerals needed by the body.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


9 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff (Natural Methods)

9 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff (Natural Methods)
Dandruff (also called dandruff and dandruff; scientifically Pityriasis capitis) is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the scalp. Cells and exfoliate the dead skin is a natural occurrence that is normal for small amounts of peeling it.

However, there are people who are continuously (chronic or occasional, exfoliating in large numbers followed by milking and irritation.

This time +Dwi Alfina will share how natural finish dandruff, and inshaAllah not at risk for scalp :)
Combine 100 ml of lemon juice with 100 ml pineapple juice 100 ml coconut milk and then stir well. The resulting mixture washed hair to the scalp until evenly moistened. Rinse hair using shampoo. Routinely do as much as 2 times a week .

Pandan leaves
Wash the pandan leaves to clean as much as 5-7 leaves. Blend the pandan leaves by way of ground or crushed and then mixed with half a glass of water and then squeezed. Rinse the juice until it touches the hair to the scalp. Please wait for about half an hour and then rinse thoroughly.

Make apple juice with apples number approximately 3 pieces. Mix the apple extract with warm water and stir until blended. Use to wash and wait about 15 minutes before the hair is cleaned.

Aloe Vera
Pound the meat section of aloe vera until smooth. Apply on the scalp and wait for about 15 minutes before cleaning.

A bunch of kale boiled in 2 cups of water. Wait until boiling and the remaining half alone. Once cool kale juice knead order out. Apply on the scalp and wait for about 30. Water used to wash the kale stew hair. Clean your hair with warm water or wash with a shampoo that matches with the skin of your head.

Almond oil
Almond oil applied to the scalp until smooth with a massage. Dip the hair in warm water for half an hour and then close. Rinse thoroughly

Olive Oil
Olive oil is heated then applied to the scalp evenly as he massaged-massage. Wrap hair in a towel for half an hour kemdian rinse thoroughly.

Vinegar mixed with water at the same ratio. Apply on the scalp and leave overnight before being cleared on the next day.

Coconut Oil
Pijir scalp using coconut oil before you sleep. Cover hair using a towel for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.